Tribe7 Blackwing7 T-Tuned Prime Lenses T1.8-1.9 27,37,47,57,77,137mm SET

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T-tuned large format prime lenses with an excellent balance of a sharper, high-performance image with character and expression, PL-mount.

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Purpose-designed for large format motion picture imaging, BLACKWING7 lenses from TRIBE7 represent an entirely new range of tuned optics for contemporary film makers to use within their creative story telling.

BLACKWING7 optics exhibit unique imaging properties which arise from the introduction of controlled distortion during the development and manufacturing processes. This distortion is modular and allows a level of tuneability over key parameters which shape many creative characteristics of the lenses.

BLACKWING7 lens tuning allows parameters such as sharpness, contrast, roll-off, spherical aberration, field curvature, edge halation and flare to be modified to provide sets of “curated” optics to suit the personality and intent of the owner.

Many of the design cues for BLACKWING7 primes originate in optics manufactured during the 1930 – 1960s, but the real inspiration behind the lenses lies in the evolutionary nature of experimental music and audio synthesis, and the process of creating distortion through sound amplification.

Key Highlights:

  • Large Format motion picture imaging
  • Modular distortion
  • Non-linear Iris System
  • Unique imaging properties
  • T1.9 to T22 Aperture
  • PL Mount
  • T-Tuned primes*

*TRIBE7 BLACKWING7 T-Tuned prime lenses feature a “Transient” profile with increased flare and reduced saturation, further exaggerating contrast roll-off to the edge of the frame and providing increased edge halation. This is due to vintage-style, single-coated optics and edge coating. “T” lenses have a unique personality and are designed to render a slightly softer, more artistic image, with a higher degree of light reactivity and more vibrant flaring characteristic.

1 x 27mm lens Tribe7 Blackwing7 T-Tuned T1.9 PL mount
1 x 37mm lens Tribe7 Blackwing7 T-Tuned T1.9 PL mount
1 x 47mm lens Tribe7 Blackwing7 T-Tuned T1.9 PL mount
1 x 57mm lens Tribe7 Blackwing7 T-Tuned T1.9 PL mount
1 x 77mm lens Tribe7 Blackwing7 T-Tuned T1.8 PL mount
1 x 137mm lens Tribe7 Blackwing7 T-Tuned T1.9 PL mount
1 x Case for Tribe7 Blackwing7

  • Lens Mount


  • Focal Length

    27, 37, 47, 57, 77, 137 mm

  • Aperture

    T1.8 (77 mm), T1.9 (27 mm, 37 mm, 47 mm, 57 mm, 137 mm)

  • Close Focus

    27mm – 34 mm, 37mm – 45.7 mm, 47mm – 44.5 mm, 57mm – 48.3 mm, 77mm – 66.0 mm, 137mm – 81.3 mm

  • Maximum Format Cover

    Full Frame

  • Weight

    9.3 kg


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