HMI (flicker free) 5600° ARRI Compact Fresnel
by date added
ARRI Daylight 18/12
Lightweight, compact and bright 18000W/12000W daylight fresnel HMI light
ARRI Compact 6000
Lightweight, compact and bright 6000W daylight fresnel HMI light
ARRI Compact 4000
Lightweight, compact and bright 4000W daylight fresnel HMI light
ARRI Compact 2500
Lightweight, compact and bright 2500W daylight fresnel HMI light
ARRI Compact 2500 + Softbox China ball 1.8 m
Softbox throws a soft, diffused light in all directions
ARRI Compact 1200
Lightweight, compact and bright 1200W daylight fresnel HMI light
ARRI compact 575 Fresnel
Lightweight, compact and bright 575W daylight fresnel HMI light
ARRI Compact 125 Fresnel
Lightweight, compact and bright 125W daylight fresnel HMI light
ARRI Scrims
Full Single, Full Double, Half Single and Half Double Scrims
ARRI Snoots
It features a cone-shaped light director which narrows the light beam