Special effect lenses
24mm Laowa 2X PROBE Macro Lens T14
Wide-angle 24mm T14 2X Macro Probe lens designed for PL and EF mount cine cameras with up to full-frame sensor.
24mm Laowa FF 2X Periprobe Macro Lens T14
Laowa 24mm T14 2x PeriProbe, PL-mount, multifunctional Lens for non-standard shooting challenges! Includes 90° Periscope module and Direct View module tubes.
Laowa Pro2be 24mm T8 2X Probe FF Lens SET (Direct, 35°, Periscope Module)
Laowa 24mm T8 2X Pro2be – the perfect combination of versatility and innovation. It has a completely new optical design and offers an unusual low-angle perspective. Includes a direct view straight lens, a 35° view lens, and a 90° periscope lens.
Revolution Lens System 9.8,12,16,20,24,32,40,60mm SET
Allows live panning of the objective lens while maintaining a level horizon
Innovision Probe I Lenses 10,14,16,24,32,50mm SET
Tubular lenses that allow you to shoot in the most unpredictable places
100mm Laowa 2x APO FF Cine Macro Lens T2.9
2X magnification macro cinema lens for Full Frame cameras with an 8cm minimum focusing distance.
P+S Technik SKATER Scope Cine PL-PL
Compact periscope lens system that can be used as a straight version and as a bent version with any desired angle.
ARRI Tilt & Shift Lenses 24,45,90,110mm SET
The most advanced swing-shift system
Century Tilt & Shift Lenses 18,20,24,28,45,55,75,90,105,135,150mm SET
The main advantages of the system are mobility and a wide range of possibilities
Special lenses rental
PATRIOT Rental provides rental services of special lenses for filming at the best prices. For many years we have been providing film and video filming of any complexity, constantly expanding our range of special lenses.
Special lenses rental at PATRIOT Rental
Our company specializes in providing film and video production with filming equipment and offers the widest range of special lenses for rent: Innovision probe, LAOWA T14 2X Probe, CENTURY Tilt & Shift, ARRI Tilt & SHIFT, REVOLUTION LENS SYSTEM.
Rent special lenses for filming TV, Movies, Music videos, Advertising projects
We are constantly expanding our technical capabilities. Traditionally, we have the most modern equipment and a professional team in our arsenal. Our experts will advise and help you make the right choice of equipment for filming.